Monday, July 1, 2013

Android Automation Testing

After evaluating couple of automation testing platforms(like Robotium, Ranorex etc), I found Calabash  the simplest platform that supports cross platform mobile application automation testing. Another requirement I had was to have the ability to test applications developed using the Mono for Android/ IOS frameworks.  Calabash comes in two flavors Calabash-Android and Calabash-IOS and it also had the option to test in the cloud environment through less-painful which apparently had been acquired by Xamarin.  This post covers only the details of setting up the test environment for Android apps.


Calabash supports behavior driven test case development using Cucumber. While the high level test case can be written using predefined step definitions in Cucumber, more complex steps can be defined in Ruby. Calabash-Android provides lot of predefined steps that supports lot of input steps, gestures, touch, snapshot etc. 


  1. The first step is to setup Ruby. At the time of writing this post(July 1st 2013), Ruby 1.9.3 is the version supported by Calabash-Android. When Installing Ruby make sure the installed directory is set in the environment path(the last step in the installer prompts for this)
  2. After installing Ruby 1.9.3,  install the Development kit.  Download the correct version of development kit as defined in the Ruby download page. For Ruby 1.8.6 to 1.9.3,  tdm-32-4.5.2 is the suggested devkit.
  3. Follow the detailed instructions as given here to setup the devkit. Its basically these steps
    • Extracting the Devkit installer(7-zip archive) to a <Install> directory.
    • In the Cmd prompt, enter Cd <Install> , where <Install> is the extracted directory in the previous step
    • Then enter, ruby dk.rb init . This would generate the config.yml file which has details about the installed ruby packages on the system. You can verify that the  Ruby 1.9.3 is present in this file
    •  Then enter ruby dk.rb install to finalize the devkit installation
  4. The next step is to install the Calabash-android gem. Enter gem install calabash-android in the cmd prompt.
Testing the App

Now that the Calabash-android framework is installed and setup the next step is to get the App ready to test. Calabash-Android provides a command utility to easily set up the test project for the app.

In the cmd prompt, enter the directory in which you want to store the test cases. Let this be the <TestDir>.  
  • Enter cd <TestDir> in the Cmd prompt. 
  • Then type calabash-android gen  to generate the stub files for the test cases. it would generate the files in this format
| |_app_installation_hooks.rb
| |_app_life_cycle_hooks.rb
| |_env.rb
| |_calabash_steps.rb
The .feature file will have the cucumber style test case like this
Feature: Login feature

  Scenario: As a valid user I can log into my app
    When I press "Login"
    Then I see "Welcome to MyApp"
Assuming your app has the welcome screen with Login button and the welcome text,        running the login feature test case would succeed without any changes. But typically you 
would want to change the login feature file by providing valid login credentials and ensuring that we see the success message. You can achieve this with the Predefined Steps defined by   the calabash framework. Assuming you have gone through the calabash android framework fair enough and wrote the required steps to validate the login scenario of your app,  you have to sign the .apk file(say with the debug key to test the app.  
The following steps need to be followed to run the test
  • To help the setup process easier, set the Java SDK path and the Android SDK path in the JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME variables.
  • type the following cmd,
cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin jarsigner.exe -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android %~dp0\ androiddebugkey
  • 3. Allign the .apk file with the following comman
cd %ANDROID_HOME%\tools\ zipalign -v 4 %~dp0\ %~dp0\
  • 4. Run the tests and export the report to .html file and also logging the output in the console
calabash-android run --format html --out report.html --format pretty
You can combine all these steps in a batch to make it convenient to run each time. here is a snapshot of the batch file
Now you should be able to see the output in either the report.html file or in the console. Their report format is really cool and it shows the list of features run and what succeeded and failed with color highlights.


  1. Hi,

    I am new to Calabash, i had set up the frame work, basic feature file is working fine but when i start using calabash methods like element_exists, touch in ruby file those doesn't work am getting undefined method error but those methods are working fine on console and Step definition file.

    Could you please help me?

    1. Yes. Can you post exactly what you tried? (the feature file and the step definition)? Also you are running only against android right?

  2. Yes I was trying to run on Android device.

    -----feature file:

    Feature: Login feature
    Scenario: User attempts to login with valid credentials
    Given I am on Sign in screen

    ---Step definition file:

    Given /^I am on Sign in screen$/ do



    ----- SettingsHelper

    class SettingsHelper
    include Calabash::Android::Operations

    def self.goToSettings()

    puts("In SettingsHelper")

    if element_exists("android.widget.ImageView id:'main_action_bar_logo'")
    touch("android.widget.ImageView id:'main_action_bar_logo'")
    else element_exists("android.widget.ImageView id:'home'")
    touch("android.widget.ImageView id:'home'")

    touch("android.widget.TableRow id:'appNavSettings'")
    touch("android.widget.TextView text:'Sign in/out'")



    1. Try adding require 'calabash-android/operations' in the top of the rb file. I am not sure the file knows to find the Calabash::Android::Operations class.

  3. Hi,

    Thank you so much for your reply, I tried including both of them but still gives the same error.

  4. Okay, can you move the goToSettings method to step_definitions.rb file itself (With the require calabash-android/operations header) and try. And if it doesnt post me the exact error it shows on console

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for your email, if i move that method (goToSettings) to step_definitions.rb it works fine but it doesn't work in ruby file with class name. I tried few work around and came to know that any calabash methods doesn't work if we using them in ruby file with class name.

    Hence in my above ex SettingsHelper.rb if i remove "class SettingsHelper " it works fine. even though we include require, include statements.

    Wondering why it doesn't work that way.

    By the way have you ever tried using keyboard functions like keyboard_enter_text(text),keyboard_enter_char(chr), if yes what would be the require statement for those methods?


  6. You can use methods like element_exists in a ruby class. The class has to inherit from Abase. You can refer this example Its written by calabash authors and they use the page pattern. I use the same and it works. I dont think keyboard_enter_text method is there for android (its there for ios), but you can quickly write one as you see in the field service example.

  7. Thank you sooooo much..

    keyboard_enter_text worked for me, still i need to work out to get all methods working from ruby class file.

  8. Hi,

    Have you ever come across this issue as described below:

    I have multiple Scenario in feature file, when i try to execute the test first scenario passed successfully but second scenario FAILING because App couldn't restart.

    Am getting below error:

    App did not start (RuntimeError)
    d/operations.rb:512:in `block in start_test_server_in_background'
    rb:31:in `perform'
    rb:53:in `retriable'
    d/operations.rb:511:in `start_test_server_in_background'
    d/operations.rb:92:in `start_test_server_in_background'
    Given I am on channel day listings # features/step_definitions/direct_rem

    Failing Scenarios:
    cucumber .\features\direct_reminder.feature:14 # Scenario: Verify direct reminde
    r series

    2 scenarios (1 failed, 1 passed)
    4 steps (1 skipped, 3 passed)

    Thanks in advance...

  9. No, do you have the restart between scenarios flag set to true?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. For the issue about using methods in ruby, its better to use something like this in you .rb file
    give a name like you write in feature file
    Given(/^user will complete a whole cash payment$/) do
    steps %Q{
    When I press the top button
    And i select country
    And i enter the postal code
    now when i just put this line Given user will complete a whole cash payment in any other festure file or again in the same place, it will execute all the steps as a function .

    coming to the second issue: sometimes reset_between_scenarios doesnt really work sometimes, so you can try this
    go to the app_installation_hooks.rb
    remove/comment the "uninstall_apps" line
    now you can run multiple scenarios without the app getting installing everytime


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